Dream Date – LEWB 2023 Champion


On August 11th and 12th, Dream Date and Elisabeth presented three tests and won the overall Championship (Level 4 & 5 combined) of the Ligue Equestre Wallonie Bruxelles.

They won the three level 4 tests with 68,065%, 70,157% and 70,757%.

“Third time a charm”: this is the third consecutive victory of Elisabeth at the LEWB Championship.

A huge thank you to Antoinette for accompanying us and preparing the horses so perfectly. Her constant vigilance, care and love for my horses insures their health and comfort, and truly enhances their happiness and fabulous disposition.

All my gratitude to my amazing team: Edouard, Emmanuelle, Rickert, Jonathan and all the others that contribute to the wellbeing of my horses.

And of course, all my appreciation to Claudia for her inspiration, motivation and wonderful coaching; she always encourages me to be the best version of myself.

Finally, my gratefulness to the LEWB for the great organization of the Championship and to all the generous sponsors who spoiled us with their wonderful gifts.

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